Blogoversary Giveaway! - Closed

For my one year Blogoversary I decided to host a Giveaway!

The winner shall receive:
- 100 red & white striped cupcake liners
- 100 red & white polka-dotted cupcake liners
- A “6-in-1” cookie cutter
- 10 additional cookie cutters
- A tube of vanilla sugar
- Two bottles of colorful sprinkles

What do you need to do?
It’s tres simple:

Just leave a comment, with you email address.
(or if you have a Blogger account, and your email address is findable on your blog, that’s fine too!)

Shipment will be made anywhere across the globe.
(not just US residents, I hate that!)

Giveaway will close in 0 days,
Wednesday February 10, 2010.

The winner will be chosen ramdomly.

Giveaway is


Unknown said…
Just found your blog last week and I'm *loving* it!
(dbarnett 03 at gmail dot com)
Jen said…
Congrats on your one year Blogoversary! I am loving your blog and this looks like a fun giveaway. You should be able to get through to me through my blog (
Well congrats on the anniversary. What a fun giveaway!!!
Amanda said…
oooolala! I've been a lurker for a bit now and adore your treats! :) I hope you'll pick me as your valentine. xxxxx
*copewedding2009 at gmail dot com*
Happy Blogoversary! Love your site and thanks for the giveaway.
Kori said…
Yay! Enter me please! I hope I win...I love cupcakes more than anyone I know! Kori xoxo
jtougas said…
I love your blog! Makes me so excited to leave work and trying out some of the goodies!
Sarah said…
Congratulations on a year of blogging! So nice of you to do a giveaway, and the goodies look super cute, too!
lynda said…
Congratulations on one year of blogging! I just found your blog and I'm loving it! Please add my name to yor giveaway!
Thanks so much!
Happy Blogoversary! Nice give away items! Very cute :)
Fran said…
Happy blogoversary! I love following your blog, congrats :)
BonjourRomance said…
Congratulations on you rone year blogaversary. What a fantastic giveaway, sign me up please.
Snooky doodle said…
Happy Bloganniversary. Wow nice giveaway. Thanks for thinking of Non US residents :)
Rita said…
I've been searching the whole day for a strawberry tart recipe.Just before I gave up I ended up on your blog. I love it!!!! Happy Anniversary!
(rira_n at hotmail dot com)
R.D. said…
I discovered your blog when posting photos in the Disney Restaurants Group on flickr.

It's one of the few blogs I subscribe to purely for personal pleasure and look forward to seeing your posts come across my desk. Having a blog myself, I can appreciate the time and effort you put into it and truly enjoy both the recipes and the beautifully-composed photographs. Congratulations on your anniversary!
Lovely bit of booty, sarah AT maisoncupcake DOT com
Sugar Crawler said…
Ahhhhh great giveaway! Happy first blogoversary..

Ps: please pick me *wink wink* :D
Marléne said…
I'd love to get this! It looks so neat :)
Your blog is the best pastry site I know.
Meghan said…
I really could use some cupcake liners!!! love your blog!
Pug1 said…
Great blog!!!!!!!!CHEERS! Michele
Helen said…
!!!Happy Blogoversary!!! Love your site and thank you for keeping it up. ;)

Helen (
Helen said…
Happy 1st Blogoversary!

I love your recipes
beldandy said…
I would never want to miss this!
Zizi said…
I found your blog yesterday and I like it very much! I'm Zita from Hungary and I'm so glad not only US citizens can enter your "competition"! :)
My blog is:
You can find my email address there.
Keep up the good work,
Laura said…
Happy blogoversary! Hallmark needs to start making cards to mark this milestone...
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary!
I'm sure I could find something to celebrate with the box of goodies!
azul plumbago said…
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Anonymous said…
Thanks a Million for your love for baking and making the once you love happy, just as well it makes all of us happy to read your blog and actually inspire everyone ...your blog is not only beautiful but is full with love and taste:). I know for sure that the man you are going to marry is going to enjoy every pice of cake you make and your children are going to play with your beautiful cup cakes:), I went to far but its better to consider:), Thank you very mych and keep being blessing!
Safford, Az USA
Kim said…
I love following your blog! I can always count on great recipes and beautiful pics:)
kim.haire at gmail dot com
Erin said…
Thank you for giving me so much cooking inspiration over the 6 months since I found your blog. Love love! is me :)!
Revethi said…
The polka dotted liners are so cute! :) Would love to win em hehe.
Renata said…
Yaaaay!! I wanna be part of this delicious party tooo!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
I've learned to bake so many things from your blog - I love it!! I'm definitely making those chocolate eclairs!! :)

Steph said…
Wow, time really does fly by. Congrats.
Anonymous said…
luckily found the web before the closing date.. phew...

happy anniversary..
Miss Dot said…
Oh, consider me entered!! How awesome!!

DotsontheSpot [at] gmail [dot] com

Mary said…
Happy anniversary and thanks for such a neat giveaway!

Sherry G said…
Happy Blogoversary!
Ali said…
Congratulations on one year :) those cupcake liners are super cute!
apparentlyjessy said…
Happy Blogoversary!! Congratulations on a year's worth of constant sweet decadent drool worthy treats, WITH recipes and pictures! Well done, and keep them coming!!

Thank for for the wonderful give-away I am excited to enter!

jessicabreyer (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy 1 Year Anniversary!
Love your blog...
Ca said…
Happy Blogoversary!
Susan said…
Love the blog! thanks for the chance to win!
Cute giveaway! Happy blogoversary!
Unknown said…
The things you make bring smiles to my face.. Congrats on a year of blogging about tasty treats.
Janette said…
Congratulations on your 1 year aniversary. Love checking out your blog. You always make such delicious treats. :)
kakihara said…
I love your blog, I'm glad I found you. Thanks for the chance to win an amazing bunch of things. I have a large family and my kids schools constantly have bake sales--I feel like I spent my life baking for other people to eat--and I commit to cutout cookies---and then I have a nightmare of a time!! I don't know if it's the humidity--but where I live now i have the worst time with cookie cutters!! I need these cookie cutters!!
At Christmas I cried--my husband volunteered me to make a dozen sets of nativity cookies--and brought home the cookie cutters--they were awful 12 cookies to a set and each more intricate than the next--and plastic evil non working cookie cutters. As if I didn't have enough to do with all the shopping, wrapping, and cooking of my own. Aaaaagh--sorry just had to get that off my chest!

Anonymous said…
Love your ideas...especially involving cupcakes and chocolate!
Leila said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
heidigoseek said…
congrats on your one year! i love your recipes and the photos are sooo good! keep blogging:)
D Q said…
Congratulations on a year of blogging!
Great giveaway.
Chez Lucie said…
Happy 1st Blogoversary :-)

Polka-dotted cupcake liners are so cute I want it :-)
-Tee- said…
I've been reading this blog for a while and I love it! Keep it up :o)
andrea said…
love it!!
Congratulations on your 1 year Blogiversary, well done. I found your link tonight over on Bonjour Romance..will be calling in again to have further read!! :-)
Anonymous said…
Love your blog. I'm your biggest fan from day one. Love to enter the sweeptake. Donna
Paris Pastry said…
Thanks mom! But I'm not going to enter you in the sweeptake, since I do all of the baking around here ;)!

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