Dachshund Sugar Cookies

Dachshund Sugar Cookies

A year ago I came across a dachshund cookie cutter in a children's store. Even though it was way overpriced, I had to buy it. It's a nice addition to my cookie cutter collection and being a dachshund-owner, it's an essential.

I ordered this sugar cookie mix from MyAmericanMarket.com, and was saving it to use on a lazy day when I can't be bothered to bake something from scratch, and this Tuesday was just that kind of day. Because the cookie mix is quite sugary on its own, I did not frost them. Because it's a mix, I will not post a recipe, but I just wanted to show you my cute cookies!

Dachshund Sugar Cookies

Dachshund cookie cutter.

Dachshund Sugar Cookies


Dachshund Sugar Cookies

All baked and waiting to be devoured.

Dachshund Sugar Cookies

Do you think they are a true likeness to Bas the dachshund?

Black and Tan Dachshund


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