8th Blogoversary! Jumbleberry Crumble & Cream!

Well, happy birthday to this blog! It turned 8 years old on february 4th. Wow! Last year, on my 7th blogoversary, I wrote:
"I feel like every year when February 4th comes around, I get sentimental about how many years I've been obsessed with baking and met so many wonderful people through this blog, but it is all still so very true! I can't believe 7,5 years ago I became engulfed with this hobby that would shape and form my life as it did. Whenever I'm having a bad day (just like everyone else, I have those too) or when I want to celebrate something, I bake. It releases tension, makes you forget everything, and the end result is (usually) so satisfying!"
This is still so true for me. I'm hoping to move into a new house this year, and finally get a decent oven back, and start my mojo again with baking. Because baking cakes in my portable little oven is just not the same!
About the dessert: I made a jumbleberry crumble. If you're wondering what 'jumbleberry' means, it's a collection of different Summer fruits. For this crumble I used cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, and blueberries. It's just such a great recipe, and I always have the ingredients at hand. I make the crumble in advance, freeze it for months even, and buy frozen red fruits. Add the two things together, and voila! A quick, delicious dessert is at hand. In the Summer I add ice cream, in the Winter I pour some heavy cream with it.
Taste: 5 out of 5
Consistency: 5- out of 5
Overall appeal: 5 out of 5

Jumbleberry Crumble: Nigella Lawson - Nigella Express
⅔ cup all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ stick cold butter (cut into small cubes)
3 tablespoons turbinado sugar
¾ cup frozen summer fruits
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar (or regular sugar plus a drop of vanilla)
- You will need an ovenproof tea cup or ramekin of approx. 300ml / 1¼ cup capacity.
- Put the flour and baking powder into a bowl and rub in the cubes of butter, using your fingers until you have a mixture like coarse sand.
- This is such a small amount, it's not really worth getting out the heavy machinery.
- Stir in the sugar and then put into a freezer bag to freeze. This mixture is enough to make 4 jumbleberry crumbles in the cups.
- Preheat the oven to 220°C/gas mark 7/425ºF. Put the summer fruits in either a cup or ramekin and sprinkle the cornstarch and sugar over the top. Stir around a little.
- Sprinkle approx. 75g /½ cup of the frozen crumble topping over the fruit and bake the cup for 20 minutes.

Madame X
The Flower Duet