Chocolate Waffle Pops! The New Rage.

I never quite got into the whole cake-pop rage. While cupcakes and macarons are sold in many shops here in Europe, cake pops still haven't shown their cute little faces. Making them myself? Only if they have a chocolate coating. The overly-sweet, but oh-so-pretty colorful cake pops are just... too... sweet! So, I'm starting a new trend. I spotted these on a baking blog, but I completely forgot which blog it was.

Enfin, they're so super easy to make. You can of course make waffles yourself, but I figured the store-bought ones are a bit more solid of texture and would hold better on a stick. I melted chocolate, poured it on top, used a spatula to even it out, and decorated them with many many colorful sprinkles. I popped them into the refrigerator and voilá! Happiness on a stick! :D Rating: 5 out of 5.

Chocolate waffle-pops in my cake dome, on Instagram.

Don't mind if I do! :)
Eat Cake
I do like your idea of waffle pops. It's like yummy breakfast on the go! :D
Where did/can you buy them?