Pastry Facebook Timeline Covers
I'm sharing with you a few of my favorite desserts that have been presented
on this blog which can also be used as cover photos on Facebook.
My current cover photo on Paris Loves Pastry's Facebook page is this one:
My beloved Rose Cake.
[download here for Facebook]
Before that one, I had this delicious Cream Puff Cake as cover photo:
[download here]
These red Valentine's Day cake pops would look stunning:
[download here]
On my personal Facebook page, I used this one:
[download here]
And this Ladurée cover is made especially for Timeline proportions:
[download here]
Paris Pastry personified:
[download here]
I'm interested to know, what do you have as a timeline cover?
Or haven't you switched to timeline at all?
A BIG thank you for all of the Likes on Facebook (1,327 and counting)! Very much appreciated.
And particularly a shout-out to those in Taiwan for all of your support!
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