Blog Attribution

That's French for Blog Award ;)!
The ever-so-beautiful blogs Bonjour Romance and The Romantic Query Letter and the Happily Ever After gave me this lovely award for Kreativ Blogger. I feel very grateful and humble that some of you put up with my constant baking!
For accepting this award, I need to:
- Copy and paste the award and post a link to the blog that nominated me.
- Tell seven things about myself.
- Nominate seven other bloggers and pass the award along.
Seven (favorite) things about me:
1. Favorite movie: ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’.
2. Favorite book: At Kings Command by Susan Wiggs
3. Favorite painter: Claude Monet and other impressionists.
4. Favorite city: Paris of course.
5. Favorite sport: I don’t care for sports, but I bicycle every day for 30 minutes.
6. Favorite holiday: Halloween and Christmas.
7. Favorite perfume: Miss Dior Cherie by Christian Dior.
Here are 7 other wonderful blogs that I love visiting:
♥ :Pastry Studio
♥ Angela Henrie Designs
♥ Blonde Episodes
♥ Bonjour Madame
♥ File Under Lovely
♥ Frou Frou Fashionista – Luxury Lingerie Blog
♥ Madame Sucre
Update: The fabulous Blonde Episodes (who I also nominated for the Kreativ Blogger Award) just gave me this beautiful Marilyn award! Thank you so much Kori! :D

Please visit Kori's wonderful blog. It is truly one of my favorites!

Thanks for the compliment on the dining room. You made my day!
I'm spending my time here for the children of Haiti.
I'm doing this for a non-profit group that is dedicated to
building oppurtunities for the children in haiti. If anybody wants to donate then do so here:
[url=]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti
They provide kids in Haiti a positive outlook through education.
Please check them out, they're real.
Please help us